How Wear Affects Different Stair Tread Materials

Why Stair Tread Material Choice Matters Stair treads experience a lot of heavy foot traffic and wear over time. The material used will directly impact how long Stair Treads last before needing replacement or refinishing. Some key factors stair treads must withstand include: Foot traffic and pressure Stairs see thousands of pounds of pressure daily from people walking up and down. More durable materials hold up better over the long run. Moisture Spills, wet shoes and weather elements like snow and rain can all lead to moisture issues on interior and exterior stairs. Materials need to resist water damage. Scratches and scuffs Shoes and furniture on stairs can scratch softer surfaces like wood over time. More scratch-resistant treads maintain their appearance longer. Grime and dirt Grime, scuffs and debris dull stair surfaces faster. Easy-to-clean materials require less maintenance. UV damage Outdoor stairs face fading, cracking and deterioration from sun exposure. Choose UV-resistant tr...